
I decided to get the studio equipment out this weekend to shoot Darwin. I don’t do this often enough and from now on I’ll be shooting him a lot more under the lights.

He bit his carer at nursery last week, not because he was angry but because he wanted her attention. She quite rightly told him off. I initially thought I might have been partly to blame and wondered if he had laughed after biting her, but he didn’t laugh. If he had of laughed I would have been concerned because Piggy and I wrestle, and when he grabs my face or hits me with a foam stick I pretend to be hurt and he laughs, and there is nothing more special in my life than making him laugh. However I also want him to grow up having respect and love for others.

I’m not a big advocate of religious teachings but I do like what the Prophet Muhammad (allegedly) spoke about regarding bringing up children, “for the first seven years of their life, parents are to play with their children, for the next seven to teach them, and from the age of 14 to 21, to be their friend.”

Any road, I don’t think Piggy is a baby any more. Last night he was sat on my knee watching the news (to be fair that wasn’t his choice!) and he pointed at a baby on TV and said, “Baby”.


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