10 Months

The Pigster seems to have changed even over the 2 week Christmas period.  He isn't far off walking now, indeed he coasts around gripping hold of anything he can and he can stand solitary for moments if balanced correctly.  He likes to climb into the Dishwasher and Washing Machine and cries when he doesn't get his own way.  He screams occasionally simply because he can and every now and then it's as if he mutters a comprehensible word or phrase.

He likes having his teeth brushed and many have come through now.  He much prefers a shoulder ride to being in the pram and often feeds himself if you put stuff in front of him to grab.

He loves his grandad and cries when he leaves.  He has eventually understood that guitar plectrums are not to be eaten and even uses them to strum the strings if encouraged.  Mummy can make him laugh better than I can but this won't be for long.


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