Amelie's Party

Sometimes all I need to convince me whether I should do something or not is someone to tell me I shouldn't or can’t do it.

We were at another kid’s birthday party this weekend, quite a lovely little affair really, where Piggy ran riot over a climbing frame thing, ate jelly and played pass the parcel.  I’m pretty sure that I only ever went to one private party as a kid, Wayne Fishwicks, and now I’m not too sure if it was because we didn't have many parties as kids or whether it’s because I’m a party bore.  I didn't get invited to any teenage parties either, you know the ones where the cool kids play ‘spin the bottle’ and someone gets fingered.  I don’t get invited to parties now either.  But to be honest I prefer it that way!

I remember playing pass the parcel at Infant school and being very excited.  The problem was that there were about 300 kids and the parcel only had 3 wrappings of paper on it.  The parcel didn't even get to me before some kid had won the disappointing present on the inside.

Any road, we had the dilemma of what to get the kid whose birthday it was.  After the party I read an article about what to get kids whose party you attend.  The author was rabbiting on about the best presents being the ones primed with thought and consideration and she went on to say, “And all those people who think it's really groovy giving an online Amazon token, it's not, it's just really lame”.  There we go Tamsin Kelly, I’m convinced Mother Fucker, it’s OK to give Amazon vouchers to kids.

"Party Pig"

"Pass the Parcel"

"Piggy Throttling Amelie for the Pass the Parcel Incident"


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