The Football Museum

Whilst Kerry was having a massage at the Lowry Hotel Mr Chuchy Pig and I took a walk around Manchester. (Mr Chuchy Pig is my current most popular name for Darwin).  It was a lovely day but I knew at some point I would have to change his nappy, and this would be the first change I've done in public.  As I walked by the old Urbis, now the Football Museum, I thought I would pop in.

What a pile of shit!  Who cares about what Malcolm Allison was wearing in 1975?  Who wants to see Arsenals shirt from 1932?  Don't get me wrong I love a game of football, I love the emotions it invokes and I love playing it, but F*ck me!

I can't believe they closed the art gallery down for this.  (It was packed though!).

The one good thing was a small exhibition by Terry O'Neil of football related portraits.

"Raquel Welch Playing Football"

"In a wig at the Football Museum"

"Mr Diddles?"


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