Valter Vine Veasel & Geoff Bitch

We’ve got some Chickens! Kerry’s been talking about it for a while so Pete went ahead and made a fabulous chicken coop and run and Kerry did the deal and brought home 10 (TEN!) rescue chickens.

She loves a damaged animal so I was expecting featherless birds with twitches and limps but as it happens they’re a lovely looking bunch. And, during the first 24 hours they had laid 10 good eggs. No wonder we have KFC & Nandos, if all those eggs were fertilised and they continued to lay 10 eggs a day, and then those chickens did then same, there would quickly be no room on the Earth for any other animal! It’s a good job we still have carnivores.

Darwin loves the chickens, a little bit too much at times. He loves to cuddle them and never turns down an opportunity to visit them. He has a favourite and has named it Pecky Fasty. We also have Backyard Betty, Geoff Bitch (but I have to call it Geoff), Walter Vine Weasel (pronounced in a German accent, Valter Vine Veasel) and others who I can’t remember their name.

I’ve also learned how to cook a poached egg in spinning water. We eat a considerable amount of eggs now!


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