Red Hot Robin

After a quick trip to B&M Bargains again (it was Kerry’s decision!) we went to Tatton Park collecting Grandad Pete on the way.  Despite it being icy cold the sun was out and it would have been a shame to spend the day indoors.

We filled up on a hot dinner and went for a stroll around the gardens.  The Nazis at the garden reception confiscated Piggy’s mini scooter.  I didn't truly understand this, I could understand them not allowing maniac kids on bicycles but an under 2 on a scuttlebug?  If you were a mega fatty that struggled to walk it was possible to use a mobility scooter to get round, go figure.

We strolled around the indoor tropical gardens and we were followed by a little robin.  If the little bird could talk I reckon it would have said, “Where the fuck is the exit?  I’m boiling hot here, either let me out or fuckin shave me.  Who the fuck wears a feathered jacket in the jungle?”.  We didn't let it out.

We played in the snow, toppled snowmen that other kids had made and saw a really tall woman with a little man whose pants were nearly falling down.

It was a beautiful day.

"Messing About in B&M's"

"Before the Toppling"

"The Confiscated Scuttlebug"


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