
We arrived in Amsterdam and with it being too early to check into our hotel we went for a little walk around the city.

I think I like Amsterdam. I say "think", I like it's liberal approach to stuff, but I don't like the fact that it's one of these "Stag Do" cities, I probably like the Dutch more than I like the city. You may by now be thinking, "O Aye, drug taker sex tourist!". Well, No, I've never used the services of a prostitute ever, and even I think that's a bit strange of me. I like to think that I'm a liberated kind of chap, a free thinker and a little bit of a rebel, but when it comes down to it, sometimes I think I'm a bit prudish.

Anyway, I'm a photographer! The first time I went to Amsterdam I walked around the red light district in amazement. I like to take photo's of people and here were loads of people, stood behind glass on display, showing all they had and displaying a variety of emotions. On each corner of the district stand large security men and I'm told, although I haven't witnessed it, that if you're caught taking photos the security guys simply throw your camera into the nearest canal. But the window goods are too inviting (in a photography sense) not to be missed. Of course there are lovely ladies but there are also, well, hmmm, have you ever seen an old aged hippo in a bikini? You know what I'm getting at. I risked it anyway.

The Bunster was finding it hard to walk, never mind whoring and drug taking, so we went back to the hotel to chill.

"The Cockring"
"Lady 1"
"Lady 2"


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