Who said "Boys never grow up"

Well for the first time in a long time I didn't update my blog last weekend.  It was partly because I didn't really have any photos to show but predominantly 11th November saw the release of Call of Duty Black Ops.  It's time to feel dirty again, doing nothing but moving my fingers and swearing at annoying kids (and adults), and quite frankly I don't care!

I loved playing army and collecting militaria as a kid and Rambo First Blood partly made me join the army.  I love war films, Ryan, Kwai, Escape, it must still fascinate me a little bit.

As part of Black Ops when you play online users get to create their own emblem utilising given clip art in layers.  Here are a few examples, very penis heavy!

"Stupot AFC"

"Sooper Wolfs"

"Itchy Bubble"


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