18 Month Old Pig

I can't believe how much Darwin has developed in the past 2 weeks, it seems amazing. I can have a small conversation with him now and tell him to do stuff which he does!

He had hold of my works phone the other day so I rang him from my iPhone. I answered it for him and then went into the kitchen. He greeted me by saying ‘Hello’, albeit about 50 times shouting and then I asked him, “what does a doggy do?”. He replied, “woof, woof”. I asked him the same question about Lions, Tigers, Crocodiles, Moo Cows, Snakes & my personal favourite, a pussy cat. His impression of a cat is possibly my most favourite sound ever. At this moment in time Lions, Tigers & Crocodiles all make the same noise and if he see’s any animal that isn't mentioned above he refers to it as a spider.

He’s very independent too. It’s rare that he will walk for very long holding my hand as he prefers to walk alone.

I had been winking at Piggy whilst he ate his breakfast.  He's nearly a good speller too!


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