
Several years ago a friend of mine bought me a book on "Orb Photography", the author claiming that this was proof that ghosts exist.  And then yesterday Hawko told me about a mutual friend who had a video of a floating Orb and she also has paranormal activity going on in her household, therefore proof of such activity.

What the fuck is going on?  I didn't read the book, I dismissed it instantly as shit and refused to let the idiotic ramblings take up storage in my valuable memory space.  I do the same with stories of UFO abductions, Loch Ness and other mystical beings, Father Christmas, God, people who have lived a past life, Dynamo the Magician, Fairies and many other tales of bollocks.

So in summary, anyone who believes that orbs are anything other than artifacts being caught by light, is a fucking nutcase.

If you have spare memory read the rantings of this nutter who talks about orbs.  I imagine it was originally written in poo on a cell wall!






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