Hawes Festival

Me and Darwin went to Hawes Festival this weekend. I love this time of year around here, every little town has something or other going on at some time.

It was only a little affair but one of Darwin’s favourites to date. As soon as we got into the field he saw Marshall from Paw Patrol (or at least a person dressed as Marshall) and he virtually shat himself. He ran up to him and gave him a massive hug. Then we stroked Alpacas, a massive rabbit and a pig.

Before long Darwin spotted one of those inflatable wacky waving man things. He immediately ran over and grabbed it and in its horizontal state began to bash passers-by with it. Other kids joined in and this is what Darwin wanted to do all day.

I was very tempted to have a go on the ‘Hang yourself from a bar’ competition but I imagine Darwin may have run off whilst I was suspended. Or, if I could partner myself, I would have a go at the throw the egg competition. I don’t think I would trust anyone else.


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