Bortusk Leer

When I was in Amsterdam I bobbed into the Vault 17 Gallery to view a solo show by Bortusk Leer. The show is called ‘Cheers Up you Bastards’, which is a draw in itself, but the first piece of work you see is a very colourful framed statement which simply says “Don’t be a Cunt”. I liked the artist from here on.

I viewed his work as light hearted and fun but I imagine some folk may see him as slightly disturbed. I don’t, I was smiling all around the exhibition and came away feeling quite delightful. There was a similar framed painting simply saying “Fuck, Shit, Wank, Twat” positioned above a toy Tonka Truck with pages from a nuddy mag pasted onto it. What’s not to like?

"Cheer Up You Bastards"

"Fuck Shit Wank Twat"

"Don't be a Cunt"


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