eBay and the Past

This weekend we've been having a bit of a clear out for the sole purpose of creating space.  The house used to be big enough when I lived here on my own but now Kerry is well and truly established it's rapidly decreasing in size.  Usually I just throw all my unused shit away but some stuff I daren't dispose of.

Years ago I used to play guitar in bands.  I was never any good but fortunately the other people in the bands were and my "Band Years" were a lovely time.  I've kept guitars ever since, just in case I fancied a tinkle, however they've made better ornaments for the past few years than they have instruments.  So this afternoon I photographed the guitars and banged em on eBay.  There was a slight risk of nostalgia breaking through but my robotic side suppressed the illogical feeling.

I also decided to bang some film cameras on there too, although I'm more apprehensive about getting rid of them.

Maybe if the items sell I'll get a new camera (and possibly 1 new acoustic guitar!)

"A Gretsch, a Fender and a Samick"
"Canon 50e (with Eye Control)"

"6x6 TLR"
.You can hear Tripitaka on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqjpNSR1wck


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