We're Gonna Wet this Town, Wet it Inside Out ....

I took Darwin to get his hair cut today. Kerry was wondering whether he should get a Mohican but I suggested more of a rockabilly style. (I do like the song ‘Rock this town’ by the Stray Cats!).

As a kid I would often have my hair in a quiff but shaved hair wasn’t really popular in my hair. Long unkempt hair was all the rage, like the IRA, and I think the first time I had my hair shaved was when I joined the army. Needless to say I never once looked stylish as a kid.

Now I look at Darwin and think what an amazingly attractive kid. Do all parents think that? There’s one kid I know and although he’s a year older than Darwin he’s got the face of a man in his 20’s. I’d be more inclined to take him to the pub than have a water fight with him. On a separate note, Darwin and I had a water fight the other night. I gave him 1 minute to hide then I said I would be hunting him down. He made the very amateur mistake of cornering himself and didn’t see me coming. When I squirted him for the first time he ‘lost it’ a little bit. The second time he ‘lost it’ totally. He dropped his weapon and started screaming. I laughed and squirted him more. Before too long he was a soaking wet very angry screaming child and I was in pain from laughing so much.

When I had run out of water I put my gun down and taught him about anti-ambush techniques. I explained to him that in this situation his best option is aggression and he needs to attack his attacker. Expect to get wet but also get your attacker wet too. He’ll also think you’re a nutter and he’ll be slightly scared of you too.


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