Micky Flanagan Was My Dinner Lady
Someone recently posted an old photo of the dinner ladies
from my junior school, it must have been from about 1978. People looked a lot
older in them days didn’t they? The chief dinner lady was Mrs Gallagher, I
remember being a little scared of her at the time, but later on in life I used
to deliver newspapers to her house. She always used to greet me with a smile
and give me a bag of crisps or some sweets.
Occasionally when I reminisce I often do a bit of Googling.
I initially thought Mrs Gallagher would be well dead by now but was surprised
to learn that for the past 20 years she’s been banged up in jail for robbing an
off license and is now a prominent member of the BNP. Obviously that’s not the
case, I couldn’t find anything, but surely that’s what all investigative reminiscers
want to find isn’t it?
She did look like the spitting image of how Micky Flanagan
looks now though, don’t you think? (The dinner lady in blue!)
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