The Very Last Day

It feels like this place has been closing for nearly a year now, a little like being on a huge ship as it sinks very very slowly.  If you believe the film 'Titanic', the band were playing on as the ship went down and it feels like I've been playing the tuba, something dull yet comical, for a long time, albeit with a very talented and lovely band.

We ate our last breakfast and then I loaded the car with all the plunder I had acquired, big rulers, a digital depth guage and a vice like thing for laboratories.  I'm not too sure what I'll use them for but I couldn't stand the thought of them going to the bin.

I write this more than a week after the occasion and I can hardly remember the place now.  I lie mildly there but I'm balls deep in another job now and life simply goes on doesn't it?

"The Last Two"


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