Eat Shit Cats!

Mr Chuchy is teething at the moment and he’s going through quite a degree of discomfort.  Evolution’s a funny old thing isn’t it?  After 3.6 Billion years of life on earth Kerry had to carry round a massive belly containing a baby making it difficult to sleep and hurting her back, then push a human being out of her vagina suffering tremendous pain.  Now Darwin has to suffer the discomfort of teeth beginning to appear which will eventually all drop out anyway and be replaced.  Women menstruate, babies get erections, humans live until they’re completely dysfunctional.  Cats eat their babies’ poo!  I’m really glad I don’t have to eat my babies’ poo.  I wonder what effect evolution will have on us in another million years?

Darwin had proper projectile sick the other night, if I was a Christian I’d be wondering whether to get a priest in.

But we’re getting by.  Darwin likes to play now.  I often wonder what he’s going to be like when he’s older.  Currently I’m thinking a goalkeeper, climber or musician.  When I play guitar he likes to grip the strings and tries to rip them off, but when the banjo is lying around he strums the strings gently.  I wonder if we’ll ever play dueling banjo’s together?  At least I won’t have to be the div looking inbred kid!


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