Firework Night

I do love fireworks, always have.  The council don't fund the local firework display now and fireworks are getting more scarce which is a shame in my opinion.

As youngsters we used to make our own which was always fun.  I remember watching David McMahon peering into a cardboard tube as the gunpowder he had poured into it ignited.  I couldn't stop laughing as the rockety flames char-grilled his face.  He wasn't seriously hurt, he just got a Morgan Freeman-esque speckledyness on his face.

I demonstrated the power of an army issued thunder flash once to my brother in my mums garden.  I saw the patio windows literally bend and within 15 minutes the gas board were knocking on doors.

Another time, when I was much older and should have known better, I smashed several windows in a line of terraced houses whilst giving a demonstration on how easy it is to make a bomb!  I was dressed in a suit!

Nothing quite as dangerous this year, I took the Bunster for a ride in the car to some hilltops.  We saw very little.

"View over Haslingden"

"View over Ramsbottom"


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