Afflecks, Piccadilly n Students in Manchester

Bobbed into Manchester again today.  The god bods were out in force in Piccadilly Gardens, some of em trying to be cool, others unable to get away from being absolute twats.  Even the scientologists were out recruiting, offering free stress tests!  Surely we've evolved beyond this haven't we???

I then bobbed into Afflecks palace.  The last time I visited here was during the "Madchester" era back in the 80's, things haven't changed much but it seems a little cheaper now!

And then I walked through the students hanging about near the Urbis.  The teens in the generation before me had 2 options of what to be, Mods or Rockers.  When I was a teen Rockers had virtually died a death but we had added a few more options for teens to be, Goths, New Romantics and Punks.  Nowadays there are over 50 sub cultures to fall into!  It appeared that most folk appeared to be goths to me but what do I know!

"Goth? He was a nice man any road"

"Recruiting for the double G. O. D"

"Girl In Afflecks"


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