Eyes like Bowie and Teeth like Jaws
Pro-shoot wedding today and what a lovely wedding it was. Whilst the wedding party was eating I noticed a dog across the road tied up in it's own kennel. It appeared not to belong to anyone and it's kennel looked like it was positioned in a car park.
As I approached it came out to meet me. As I raised my hand to stroke it it jumped at my hand and bit it! Frickin Hell, it wasn't a miniature dog either! (Luckily it's lead was short enough to prevent it from biting my throat or genitals!) I've seen the TV programme "The Dog Whisperer" and know what to do, so I told it to sit and it obeyed. Thinking that the dog was feeling guilty for it's actions I approached it again. It wasn't feeling guilty at all! I thought I had better retreat to photograph the wedding whilst I still had the hands to do so.
"The Angry Hand Biting Dog"
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