
There's a photography website I follow, It has all sorts of tips and stuff and every week and fortnight there's a little themed competition. There are no prizes, which appeals to me. There are other sites that do offer regular competitions with prizes but they piss me off, you get all sorts of mentals desperate to win the prize entering crazy images but trying to compensate by being over-friendly and weird.

I'm very competitive so I enter regularly but the main thing I like about it, and this week is a typical example, when they release a theme I'll go out of my way to try and get an image. See with all art it's about doing it. Many a time have I seen a piece of art and thought, "that's shit, I could have done that", but the fact is I didn't.

Any road, this fortnights theme was Pylons.

"Pinched Pylon"

And then with the next image I took influence from the artist Mondrian. (I was only introduced to him tonight!)

"Mondrian Pylon"


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