Lockdown Christmas

Christmas seemed to come around quick this year but then again it’s been a peculiar old year, and now we were into lockdown No. 3. We had quite a quiet Christmas with very few interactions with other folk, and it was quite nice.

Darwin wanted a skateboard which nanny very kindly got him. He got very excited about the venom facemask because he loves Venom (the Marvel character, not generic venom from a snake or summat!) and we got him some proper footy nets in a mild effort to give him a reason to leave his bedroom. I also bought him a dog mask to scare the crap out of the dogs!

Kerry got a boiler suit kind of thing and she liked it.

We went out to find some flattish ground in the afternoon so Darwin could ‘board’ (use his skate board!). I was expecting him to be falling off all of the time but he did remarkably well. I used to be shit scared of skateboards as a kid and never dared stand up. Darwin is quite the opposite.



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