Post Lockdown 1
Lockdown 1 restrictions are now starting to lift so Fern came up with little baby Poppy along with Nanny and the dogs. Mouse hasn't really met many other dogs so when he met Eric and Misty he flipped out, which felt wrong because they just wanted to play and fetch stuff. Whilst he flipped out we kept him on the lead and hosed him down every time he lost his shit in the hope that some kind of Pavlovian conditioning would work rapidly, and surprisingly it did.
Within 10's of minutes they were in the field running round like mental with Mouse desperate trying to keep up and trying to shag Misty at the same time. It would have been no surprise if he simply fell to the side and died of a heart attack at any time.
It was lovely to see people for the first time in ages, particularly for Darwin. He got to play with little Poppy for a while as an older kid, impress adults with some swearing and do some showing off. At least it got him off the Xbox for a few hours.
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