More Football, Fields and the Woods - What Else? It is a Fucking Lockdown!
We go to the top of the field virtually daily no matter what the weather and it's great. I love our bit of the world and it fills me with pride standing on our land surveying the Garsdale valley and all the fells around. The wood is really starting to take shape, it has different areas now. We could do with a China Town in it next, I do quite miss the Chinese takeaway.
Part of me really isn't bothered by this whole lockdown pandemic thing, we've got it good here and I know it.
Darwin and I, and occasionally Kerry, play football on our pitch. Sarah bought him some goal posts for his birthday but she misread the description because I think they're for a fuckin doll's house. I thought they might improve his accuracy but they shatter if they get hit by a football and regularly blow away in the wind. Luckily we've got him some proper ones for Christmas.
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