Christmas 2018

So Christmas came and went. We’re in February as I write and to honest I’m struggling to remember it. The main thing Darwin asked for was a flip chart, with an Xbox One making a request at the last minute. He did materially well though (he got flip chart and more!) and he enjoyed himself, which is by far the main thing.

We spent many hours playing Lego Star Wars on the Xbox and having light sabre battles. We met Emma’s new boyfriend and the roof got done. It was a simple Christmas and magical in its simplicity. I speak to many people who are at the other end of their journey of parenthood to where we are and I really don’t like it, but inevitably there will be a Christmas when Darwin isn’t with us for it, and I really don’t like to think about it.

One thing he does insist on before sleep every night though is a fight. There's a lovely little bonding thing going on here and we occasionally get told off by mummy when someone (him) falls off the bed and clonks on the floor.


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