Life of Lie
I was introduced to 3D TV in the early eighties. TV Times gave away free 3D glasses (I say glasses, I mean a piece of cardboard with red and blue cellophane on it) and there was a special 3D TV show (possibly 'Tomorrows World') where some bloke pretended to push a set of ladders through the screen. This was closely followed by the release of Jaws 3D. We were in the future, Buck Rogers was showing us what it was going to be like in the 25th century and already we had 3D TV.
30 years later I went to see 'Life of Pi' in 3D. I remained emotionless at my bewilderment of the 3D technology because people were sharing the cinema with me, but had I been alone I'm sure I would have been trying to grab things that appeared just in front of me.
The film was good and the story is essentially 'lovely'. It's quite spiritual and tries to explain the existence of God, and it does this well. In conclusion it tries to explain that no-one knows the truth about whether there is a God or not, so why not believe that there is one, it's a far more prettier story than the reality. And it doesn't just stick to 1 religion, Christians, Muslims and Hindus (The 3 biggies) get explored and even the Buddhists get a 'shout out', because all that the author wants to do is explain the existence of god. In 2010 Barack Obama wrote a letter directly to Yann Martel (the author of the book) describing 'Life of Pi' as "an elegant proof of God, and the power of storytelling".
The Atheists didn't get a mention in the book and anyone who thinks the book provides 'proof of God' is a dick, soz Obama. The real conclusion of the story proves that God is a lie and the promise of heaven is mental, however, it's a nice story. Truth is, and many people ignore the spiritualism involved in Atheism, life is beautiful and life on earth is the closest to heaven anyone will get. Make it beautiful, make other peoples life beautiful and enjoy it.
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