This weekend Kerry and I announced to the world that we were going to have a baby. It's funny how much happiness and excitement news like this brings, it's quite magical. I'll speak about this in greater depths in future posts but I have a new outlook on kids now. It's a funny old world init?
My Brother had come up from Brighton and we all met at Emma's for a family day. This was the ideal opportunity to tell them. What made me laugh in hindsight, was that within half an hour of announcing I was going to be a dad I found myself twizzing a small child (Felix) around my head by one of his legs and letting go (Accidentally! (I know it's wrong but I'm giggling as I type!)). I watched as he thudded against the ground and began to cry (I should have stopped giggling by now shouldn't I?). I didn't laugh at the time, I felt very guilty.
Hopefully I've learnt a lesson there!
"Loki & Kerry" |
"Chris, Sarah, Emma & Loki" |
"Simon" |
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